21.4 C
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Essential oils: Back to basics!

Alongside agronomist Julien Boulle, a specialist in tropical plant production, agroforestry and agroecology, we take a look at the active principles of these concentrates of powerful aromatic compounds: essential oils (EO).

Delphine Raimond

When Julien was contacted in 2014 to carry out a feasibility study on setting up a plant extraction unit in Mauritius, he approached Michel Fayolle, owner of an orchard in Sebastopol, equipped with a small hydrodistillation unit. Their immediate understanding led to a project to market artisanal, agroecological EO locally, under the Fleur de Jade brand.

Julien explains that an EO “is a compound of various molecules synthesized by plants, from elements in the soil and their symbiosis with living beings in the environment”. This plant concentrate of active ingredients containing pure natural chemical entities (not mixed with other substances) is related to various factors: the species, variety and health of the plant; the composition, structure and life of the soil; the presence of water; the extraction method and quality…

In addition to the aromatic properties of these molecules, scientific research and publications have highlighted their medicinal virtues. Depending on the target therapeutic action, different modes of administration are recommended – cutaneous, oral, respiratory… – and the properties are numerous. Antiviral, antibacterial, soothing or stimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic or healing… an aromatherapist is the best support in the use of EOs.

Julien’s favorite is the relaxing essential oil of bigarade(Citrus aurantium), whose fascinating history he’ll tell you all about, but Michel’s agroecological orchard also produces essential oils of grapefruit, mangy lemon, calamondin… 100% pure and natural, using an artisanal process that respects the environment and the well-being of consumers.

Fleur de Jade – 5795 2206 – fleurjadeabeille@gmail.com

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