In our search for a local initiative imbued with humanity and love, in keeping with the monthly theme, we discovered Nou Diferans, the digital platform of the committed company PhoenixBev. This benevolent collective – sponsored by artists, sportsmen and women, craftsmen and other associations – invites us to celebrate difference, and bring it into the light!
The website delivers a collection of beautifully illustrated testimonials, sometimes enveloped in humor, sometimes in a form of poignant confidentiality. These are short stories, touching in their truth and sincerity, of Mauritian citizens who are totally at ease expressing their particularities. Léonie and Edric don’t have the same religion… Sandrine and Faimano are two women… These couples tell the story of how much they love each other! Yes, the subject is banal, I grant you, but its societal treatment is far from trivialized. Nou Diferans makes a difference. Celebrates inclusion, acceptance and tolerance; fights bullying and stigmatization.
The right to exist, to love… is not to be condemned!
92% of Mauritians believe that discrimination is a serious problem in the country; an edifying figure in the 21e century, in a multi-ethnic country to boot! Nou Diferans is the voice of all those who claim the same rights as everyone else, not specific rights inherent to their belonging or appearance! Not a category apart, but full integration into society! The members of the movement proudly represent diversity of culture, religion, skin color, sexual orientation or physical appearance (whether chosen or not) – all characteristics that are still widely condemned today, when the only distinction should fundamentally reside in each person’s personality!
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